In my point of view the energy has an important role in the economic development of the global community.
In the last decade, the development has received a new perspetive : the durability.What for?
We are human livings, and for that, we have needs, wishes and purposes.To accomplish all these we need resources.The consumption is part of our living.But a big part of the resources ale limited.And here the durability takes the charge.We must understand that the Earth is not for us only; the resources are limited and the consumption must be done rationally.The future of the energy consumption must be developed in the priciples of the durability and rationallity.
The resources are a treasure for us to let to the future generations; these are riches for all the humanity and the next generations beyond.The childs of our children must enjoy in the same safety environment, living in prosperity and harmony.
We must choose the the electricity obtained from the renewable resources.The future lays in the new-generation of the green electric power: the alternative sources : such as wind, solar-photovoltaic, geothermal, solar-thermal, hydroelectric and other renewable sources.
On short –time, we must’n think about the costs, the performances and the positive impacts over the environment are the most important facts.
For our country it will be a big challenge to incorporate the “green electricity tehnologies” into the power grid; new improvments has to be made in our national electricity grid, whici would enable a better utilisation of the renewable resources.
Out mission on the earth is to protect the environment, and to let to the next generation be a better place to live.The energy issus is the central factor on the process of the durable development.Energy influences all the aspects of the human’s living: education, economic productivity, leisure.The durable development in our country will not be achieved, if the quality and the quantity of the energy services do not get major improvements.
In conclusion, we must hurry in implementing the green strategies in the tehnologies of energy.The time passes, the consumption encreases, and the resources become more limited.Using the unconventional energy, the new perspective of the energy future becomes : “less money, more energy”.
muhasinabdulrahman says:Reply
July 8, 2011 at 6:02 am
An , really great …. keep it up
oracoes diversas católicas says:Reply
November 4, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Gostei. Já tô compatilhando no Facebook